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Our Philosophy

A Mercantile School

A mercantile or merchants school is focused on developing the academic and personal skills for children to enter the world as academic and technical experts in their chosen fields of study. From the infant stage, we are focused on developing the mindset and abilities for our graduates to become the next generation of entrepreneurial leaders.

Great value fees

An excellent education shouldn't be out of reach for the average family. We've revolutionised private education with straightforward and great value fees. We've worked hard to keep costs as low as possible while still offering the best possible education.

Positive human

We want all our graduates to be positive humans - highly academically qualified but also emotionally and socially mature, confident individuals having a positive impact on those around. We blend academic, technical social, physical and emotional education to create positive humans.

Small class sizes

The smaller the class, the better the education. We cap our classes at 20 students - other private and state schools can have up to 35 students or more. A smaller class lets the student build a better rapport with the teacher and receive the support they need, when they need it.

Detailed curriculum

We have a structured and detailed curriculum designed to fulfil our philosophy. From day one students follow a clear learning plan to cover English, maths and sciences while also focusing on engaging in the world around them. 

Real world engagement

We believe education shouldn't happen in a bubble. We want all our teaching to be grounded in the real world and to engage real world activities - whether it's bringing in journalists to talk about writing, financiers to talk about maths or patent holders to engage in science - we connect the classroom to what's beyond it. 

The Positive Human

We want our graduates to be positive members of society - focused on developing their own skills both academically and non-academically, but also being able to work effectively as members of society. We call this outcome the "Positive Human" - an emotionally and academically mature individual working for both themselves and the common good. We've identified three key areas to deliver this outcome:


Mind - the academic knowledge to excel in any chosen area covering both the fundamentals of English, maths and science as well as technological and computational applications of that knowledge.


Body - ensuring that the individual is physically fit and capable across a range of physical, technical and manual activities.


Soul - beyond the academic, ensuring the individual is confident, creative and expressive, engaging in the activities that feed the soul like music and art.










To realise these aims we've put together a comprehensive curriculum across each area that covers students from their first year in reception through to their GCSE examinations. 

Curriculum Design

To design our curriculum we started with a clean sheet of paper. We sought to design an educational system that would build a confident, engaged, expressive, technically skilled and academically qualified member of society. We didn't want academic superstars with no understanding of the world around them - we want to create balanced individuals who can go out and affect positive change in the world. To realise our aims we identified five areas that are the basis for our curriculum.

Foundations of Knowledge

The fundamental academic skills you need to succeed in life - the academic mastery of words and numbers as studied through English Language, Literature, Mathematics and Numeracy.  

Technical Knowledge

Extending beyond the basic words and numbers we need to operate and communicate, building in the technical knowledge of the sciences, computing, engineering and business/economics. Exploring the world in an exciting and engaging way.

Contexts of Knowledge

Applying the knowledge gained across a range of different contexts through the study of history, geography, languages and the world around us (covering society, philosophy, religion). Showing students the world beyond the horizon and engaging them in all it has to offer them.

Health & Vocations

Ensuring that each student is physically engaged, able in the professional or technical skills as well as morally centred. We want our students to be as happy with a screwdriver in hand as with a copy of Chaucer.

Creative Expression

Creating a student who is confident, outgoing and expressive across the creative arts including music, art, drama and dance. Feeding the soul as well as the mind. Delivering confident, outgoing and outwardly expressive individuals.

As an independent school we are not tied in to the National Curriculum and Key Stage outcomes. This enables us to offer a more extensive, interesting and engaging curriculum. However, as all students are ultimately working towards GCSE and A-Level qualifications we closely link in to the National Curriculum at every stage. Our expectation is that our students should easily and significantly exceed the learning outcomes for every National Curriculum Key Stage.



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