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Our Values:
The Spirit of Sensible Rebellion

The world is made better by people who come up with new and better ways of doing things. We want our pupils to engage in sensible rebellion - challenging the status quo and doing better, in a structured, measured and educated way. 


Our motto encapsulates that vision:





We want our students to be critical thinkers who develop ideas, form arguments, question, evaluate and debate. This means students should:

  • Evaluate evidence to support decisions, arguments and conclusions.

  • Learn the lessons of the past to avoid repeating those mistakes.

  • Do as much as possible to learn as much as possible. Do something unknown. Experience the wonders of the world and learn from them. Learn as much as possible at every opportunity.

  • Be a critical thinker - don’t accept what you are told without question. Respect authority, but question it.

  • Consider new and different ways of doing things. Use imagination to generate novel ideas.





We want our students to be skilful communicators who speak up and debate. This means:

  • Freedom of speech and expression are absolute. Open and free debate is what drives forward society. 

  • Students should show respect, speak correctly, use precision of language.

  • Students should listen to the views and opinions of others, even when they disagree with them. Engage and debate.

  • Students should be confident presenters and public speakers.





We want our students to be successful individuals who are also part of wider society and work together. Collaboration is the key to overcoming complex challenges and achieving common goals. This means students:

  • Acknowledge that traditional values are good and facilitate collaboration. Good manners are what define civilised people. Be polite. Be respectful. 

  • Act at all times unselfishly, with honesty, integrity and humility.

  • Should do no harm to each other, animals and the environment.

  • Should work co-operatively together, manage their interactions and value the perspectives of others.




We want our students to be determined achievers who work to overcome the barriers they encounter. This means students should:

  • Not give up when tasks become difficult or challenging.

  • Act with courage.

  • Be cheerful in the face of adversity.

  • Accept that no-one can be good at everything, but should try to be good at everything they try to do.




We want our students to excel in their chosen endeavours and activities. We foster a spirit of sensible rebellion encouraging students to challenge the status quo and move beyond it to excel. This means students should:

  • Be determined to excel in their chosen endeavours.

  • Look to shape and improve the world around them.

  • Constantly seek to find new and better ways of doing things.

  • Never accept ‘good enough’ as good enough.

  • Are proud of their country and the opportunities it provides them to excel.

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