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A message from our founder

School children

After two decades working with children and adults of all ages, I started the Mercantile Education Group to provide an alternative to the expensive private education that is out of reach for most families.  We're revolutionising private education by offering a top quality private education experience from only £30 per day!


Working with a great team of educators from around the world, we have put together a new education model focused on the core academic and social skills a child needs to succeed in the world - you can read about hereOur approach is about bringing together the academic and non-academic elements of the educational experience into a coherent curriculum. Our focus has been on creating a community of pupils that fosters what we call 'a spirit of sensible rebellion' - what we mean by that is we want pupils to debate, engage, create, innovate and excel in the world - we want them to challenge the status quo and come up with new, better ways of doing things - that after all should be the core purpose of education should it not?


We truly believe we have the best curriculum of any school in the country. 


Not only that but by maximising organisational efficiency and removing bureaucracy we can offer a full private education, in class sizes of no more than 20 students,  for a fraction of the cost of other schools - from the equivalent of just £30 per day of teaching! That's less than the cost of most nurseries or childcare providers!


We intend, subject to regulatory approvals, to open our doors in Cardiff for primary students (ages 4-11) in 2024 and secondary students (ages 11-18) in 2025. We are now welcoming expressions of interest from parents who would like their children to attend our school. We expect places to fill up very quickly and they will be allocated on a first-come, first-serve basis. 



Dr Niall Christopher, BSc (Hons), PGDip, PhD (Wales), PGC, FHEA.

Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Mercantile Education Group.

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