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Fee Structure

We have a very simple fee plan:

  • £5550 per year per student from reception year to year 6 (for comparison, £1850 per term on a three term system).  That's just £30 for every school day!

  • £6550 per year per student for year 7 to year 11 (for comparison, £2183 per term)*

  • £7550 per year per student for year 12 and 13 (for comparison, £2516 per term)**


And remember - unlike many schools - we cap our class sizes at 20 students.


We also offer some selected options to make the school experience work with modern life:

- Breakfast club (arrive 8am): £650/year

- Cooked lunch in-school: £650/year

- After-school care (to 6pm): £1000/year

- One-to-one tuition (on our site, 1-hour/week, after school hours): £2000/year


To cover the initial educational application, the following fees are charged: £50 formal application fee; £50 acceptance fee.


* Exam board examination fees payable in addition to tuition fee in years 10, 11, 12 & 13. 

** For a maximum of three A-levels. A fourth subject may be taken for an additional fee. 


Pupils with additional learning needs  


We offer a warm and welcoming learning environment. Our team are experienced in working with pupils with a range of additional needs including dyslexia, dyspraxia, autism, Tourette's, ADHD and other complex needs. We make all necessary accommodations to support pupils in accordance with the Equality Act (2010). On assessment or application, you'll be able to raise any existing or potential concerns with us. As an independent school we cannot however provide specialist provision and are therefore not permitted to admit pupils with a Statement or Individual Development Plan (IDP) from the local authority or current school. 


Our School 


Our planned school site is in the north of Cardiff.



Admissions Policy 


Admissions are open year round and for all year groups , although most students will join us in September or January. Our admission is non-selective. We believe that educational opportunity is more important than past academic performance.


All admissions do however start with an educational assessment using standardised international tests to understand the needs of the student. This is not an "Entrance Exam" but an opportunity for us to see how we can help, to determine where a student should be placed in the school and to ensure that each student is behaviourally compatible with a class environment. Students assessed as below their actual age group for entry may need to also sign up for one-to-one tuition with us or provide evidence of enrolment with a qualified external tutor. We seek to place students into a year group according to their assessed ability - after the assessment, we work with parents to find the best place for the child. 


Our assessments use international standardised testing to determine a reading, comprehension, spelling and mathematics capability age for each student. We assess only English and mathematics on entry. Assessments are scheduled continuously through the year and no revision or preparation is necessary.

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