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Join the Education Revolution

The Entrance Workshop


We are a non-selective school and do not operate a formal entrance examination assessing English or mathematics. We do however meet potential students prior to confirming their eligibility to apply. The purpose of these meetings, usually conducted in small groups in a workshop style either on our premises or periodically around South Wales, is to better understand where each child is educationally and socially. 


During the workshop we'll pose some academic questions to challenge the children and look at how they act and interact together. We are wanting to see children engaging with each other in a positive manner, showing an academic curiosity while also making sure they are behaviourally compatible with a classroom environment. 


After the workshop we may recommend additional tutoring as a condition of entry if we are concerned that the pupil will struggle to keep up with their peers in class without additional support. 


Unfortunately we cannot accept applications from pupils who are deemed to be behaviourally incompatible with a classroom environment (this would be shown through bullying of other pupils or very disruptive behaviour). We want pupils who can speak up and share their ideas, but they need to be able to do so in a respectable and sensible way. 


What preparation is required?


The workshop is not an exam so no preparation is required. The aim of the meeting is to consider how well the pupil performs academically and socially under ordinary conditions. 


What should I bring with me?


You do not need to bring anything with you.  


How long does the assessment last? 


Depending on the number of pupils in a group, we will spend 30-40 minutes with them. 


Can parents observe/sit-in during the meeting?


Parents/carers are welcome to wait on-site in reception areas but are not permitted to be present during the meeting itself. 


What happens afterwards? 


Afterwards, we will consider each pupil on their merits and will confirm your eligibility to make a formal application for entry to the School. 


How much does the assessment meeting cost? 


There is no fee for the initial meeting.  If a place is booked for a pupil and they do not attend without notifying us in advance, any future assessment for that pupil will carry a fee of £50. 


2024 Schedule  


Next available assessments schedule:

January - dates to be confirmed


Book a workshop place
Preferred assessmet dates (time will be confirmed on availability)

Thanks for submitting, we'll send a confirmation shortly.!

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