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Join the Education Revolution

The Educational Assessment 


We are a non-selective school and do not operate a formal entrance examination. We do however undertake an educational assessment prior to application to evaluate where best to place the pupil in the school. This assessment ensures that we are able to offer the best support to each pupil and also provides you a guide as to how they are performing and what that means for their learning.


Pupils will be evaluated for: 

- Behavioural Compatibility - Is their behaviour compatible with a normal classroom environment - can they work and behave in a manner that is not disruptive to other pupils? 

- Academic Ability - How does the pupil perform on maths and English versus the target for their age range?  We only evaluate maths and English - no science or arts/performance assessment is undertaken.


All pupils must be deemed to be behaviourally compatible with a classroom environment to be eligible to apply for entry. This review does not mean that they must sit upright and silently, but that they have the general manner and ability to function independently with their work and not disrupt the learning of other pupils. This review evaluates students as eligible for application if they display: good behaviour, acceptable behaviour or manageable behaviours. Pupils with poor or unacceptable behaviour will not be eligible for entry. Please refer to our admissions page for details on how we work with children with additional needs. 


Academically, we want prospective pupils to be broadly on-target for their age-range in maths and English. Where a pupil struggles significantly, we may recommend additional tutoring prior to entry. We offer a range of flexible entry routes for pupils of all abilities to join us.


Taking an assessment 


Undertaking an assessment does not guarantee that you will be able to make a formal application to the school in the future and does not constitute a contract or guarantee of any form. The assessment serves solely as an information point to evaluate a pupils academic qualifications and behavioural characteristics for study in any school environment. You will be provided with a report after the assessment which you can use for any purpose.


What takes place during an assessment?


Pupils will attend an assessment centres in Cardiff or Caerphilly and work individually in a class environment through a series of maths and English assessments (virtual assessments are not available).  Each assessment is based on the National Curriculum Learning Outcomes for each age range.  The maths assessment will cover all areas of the maths and numeracy curriculum. The English assessment will involve assessment of spelling, grammar, vocabulary and creative writing. 


How do we evaluate pupils wishing to enter reception class? 


The youngest pupils will undertake a short assessment - for entry to reception we would look at identifying letters, reading short words, writing their own name, counting to ten and having basic spatial awareness (above/below, middle/left/right). At this age, there can be a significant variation in ability - we are therefore less concerned with academic performance and just want to see that they're happy, engaged and display classroom compatible behaviour. 


What preparation is required?


The assessment is not an exam so no preparation is required. The aim of the assessment is to evaluate how well the pupil performs under ordinary conditions. 


What should I bring with me?


You do not need to bring anything with you. We provide all materials and equipment for the assessment.  


How long does the assessment last? 


We allocate a maximum of 50 minutes for both maths and English assessments. Assessments for younger children will be shorter.


What happens after the assessment? 


After the assessment, we will mark and review the work of each pupil and provide a verbal or written report to you. You may use the report for your own information separate to any application to the Mercantile School. The report will confirm your eligibility (or otherwise) to make a formal application for entry to the School. 


How much does the assessment cost? 


There is no fee for the initial assessment. Any re-assessment will carry a fee of £50. If an assessment is booked for a pupil and they do not attend without notifying us in advance, any future assessment for that pupil will carry a fee of £50. 


Available Assessment Times 


Next available assessments schedule:

January - dates to be confirmed


Book an educational assessment
Preferred assessmet dates (time will be confirmed on availability)

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